Sunday, February 1, 2009

Why keep a Siamese fighting fish?

Why you should consider keeping a Siamese fighting fish!!

The reasons why you should consider keeping a Siamese fighting fish are numerous. They are inexpensive to keep and straightforward to care for! They also come in a variety of spectacular colors. But, you say “I don’t know anything about them”! “Where do they come from?” Well, they originated in Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam and certain areas of China. You say “but I live in the United Kingdom, surely it’s too cold in winter to keep them here”! Well, people now keep them everywhere around the world. Also known as a Bettafish in the States!!

Siamese fighting fish are relatively easy to keep no matter where you are! The temperature of the water should be between 75-80 degrees or 24-30c and as long as the tank is in a warm spot they should be ok. They are tropical freshwater fish and are usually found in shallow waters, such as rice paddies and shallow ponds. They do not need heaters unless it’s very cold, nor do they need expensive filtration plants. They also prefer little or no water movement. Remember they are used to living in small bodies of water.

Some interesting facts= The SIAMESE FIGHTING FISH has been raised in households in Thailand since the Sukhothai Period, more than 700 years ago. Records from the reign of King Lithai of Sukhothai allude to fighting fish being reared for sport. Aquarists in Asia first kept them approximately 150 years ago. The wild versions are nothing like the ones we get today in pet shops. They are a dull brown in color and unattractive. Thai breeders are constantly developing new species.

I know that a lot of people will think that keeping a fish is going to take a lot of their time and effort. Well, you have to have some informed care. Like any other pet you have to prepare beforehand. Siamese fighting fish generally live between two and three years. Some have been known to live for four or five years. Make sure your tank or bowl that you keep him in is big enough so that he can swim around and not bump or tear his fins or scales.

Do not fill your tank or bowl, because your fish actually breathes air! He does that through the use of his labyrinth organ, which is located just behind his gills. He also gets oxygen from the water using his gills, but they are poorly developed and cannot supply him with all the oxygen he needs. Fascinating Hey!! You will also see him swim to the top of the tank every few minutes to take a breath of air. Watch out now, because your fish can also jump out of the tank, so put on a lid with holes for air and he will be fine. I told you, your new pet has some wonderful and amazing facts that will keep you or your children seeking more information a lot of the time.

“How big is this fish” you say? Well, the Siamese fighting fish grows to only 5-6 cm. So, you do not need a big tank as I said before. Many or most pet shops that sell fish have special hexagonal tanks created just with these fish in mind. Most pet shops will sell you a suitable tank with rocks, a plant and some starter food and water cleaner. They are freshwater fish so no salty sea shells or other sea plants must be put in your tank. You can get a friendly plant such as a Chinese evergreen or small lucky bamboo plants.

Best Live Plants for Siamese Fighters also known as a Bettafish
Best Companions for Siamese Fighters

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