Wednesday, February 11, 2009

How to buy your Siamese fighting fish.

Welcome to the world of the Siamese Fighting Fish. Free tips about keeping Siamese fighting fish. Lots of Siamese fighting fish news and much much more on Siamese fighting fish, your Home and family pet’s home.

How to buy your Siamese fighting fish!!
Most people, who first go out to buy their new pet, are not sure what to look for. When you go down to your local pet shop you may find a number of fish tanks all holding a variety of different fish. All this can be very confusing to the first time buyer. Some irresponsible pet shops sell them in tiny bowls or vases. They may tell you that they will do well in such a tiny space because they can breathe air. Now, this may be true, but there is a big difference between just surviving and really doing well.

Some of the species can grow larger than 7cm (3 inches) and will need at least three gallons of water to do well! This is going to be your new pet and I’m sure you will want him to have the best life you can give him.

When you choose your Siamese fighting fish he should be an individual that is energetic and have open finnage. If you see he has clamped fins, he could be weak, ill, or suffering from stress. Look closely at the skin and fins of all the other fish in the tanks. If other fish show signs of illness do not buy him there. He may be infected but not show any signs yet.

Sometimes the Siamese fighting fish will just hover and remain still for a long time, but this is natural behavior for the species.

Our ‘Samurai’ is a beautiful color for us, but Siamese Fighting Fish have been extensively bred. Today you can find numerous variations. There are more than twelve different colorations and more than enough tail configurations. Your male fish can be easily recognized by his long flowing fins. The females are not as spectacular. They are also much smaller than the male. If you feel that you do not want only one fish as a pet, you could buy some females. Try to obtain more than two females. Three or more would be ideal. Of course you would then need a bigger tank. Remember that they will also have to have a few more plants so that when the dominant female bullies the others, they will be able to hide away safely.

If you are interested in breeding Siamese Fighting Fish you should consider buying them from a recognized breeder. It will probably be more expensive, but you will get a much higher quality and your fish will be more suitable for breeding.

Some of the colors which you may find are Blue, Red, Black, Purple, Orange, White, Magenta, Emerald Green, and the rare Yellow. The breeders have also developed different color patters such as butterfly and marble and then also metallic colors such as gold, opaque and copper. Some breeders have also bred in females the same range of colors found previously only in males. But, you will find females will never develop fins as lovely and showy as males. They are mostly more subdued in their coloration.

You could add marbles or glass beads instead of gravel to your tank, which may make it easier to clean. Remember to wash your hands before doing any of this. Rinse with hot water. No soap left on hands. Firstly put your gravel or marbles, glass beads and some plants in the tank, and then pour the water down the side or with a spoon or something to make it pour smoothly. This will minimize your hands in the tank and omit shuffling in the water.

Red is a common color as well as royal blue. Steel blue and turquoise are other colors that are more common in pet shops. The most common tail type is the veil tail and this type is what is usually found in pet stores. The tail is long and thin and usually tapers to a point.

So now you have a good lot of information to help you select your Siamese Fighting Fish.

Have fun choosing!
See link for more help.

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