Thursday, February 26, 2009

Companions for your Siamese fighting fish

Welcome to the world of the Siamese Fighting Fish. Free tips about keeping Siamese fighting fish. Lots of Siamese fighting fish news and much much more on Siamese fighting fish, your Home and family pet’s home.

One of the things I have heard from a lot of people who have Siamese fighting fish also called Bettafish, is their desire to introduce a bettafish companion for their fish. I have researched this very topic and over the next few posts I will give you some of recommended types of fish that would be compatible with your Siamese fighting fish.

As you know, it’s difficult to just place any type of fish with a Siamese fighting fish. Remember, in the wild they are loners, and only come together with a female to mate and raise babies and then are on their own again.

OK, so the first one is the Cherry barb or Puntius Titteya and they originated in Sri Lanka. They can grow to 2 ins (4-5cm) and live on average 4 years. They prefer densely planted tanks with some clear swimming space. You will need a group of 6 or more.

The other barb is the Gold barb which was originally found in S.E. Asia. All of them now come from fish farms. They are very easy to keep. You do not need a heater, but they must have clean water. Usually the number to buy is 3 or more. A beautiful gold color, it is very hardy and active. They may tend to nip at your plants, so be careful if your tank is sparsely populated with plants. They may also nip at the fins of your Siamese fighting fish!!!

Read on about giving your bettafish a companion or more...

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