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New Family Members
We have two new members of the family! Those who know me, know that I am a great lover of animals. Recently, my beautiful betta fish, Rajion, passed away. Two moves in barely over one year's time was just too much for him; Although I mourn his loss, I was anxious to get a new betta, as they bring me so much simple joy. So off the the pet store I went! I had in mind a nice golden or yellow male betta, and I found two very nice specimens. Just as I was about to make my final decision, I happened to glance over at the section of female bettas. And that is when I saw her - perhaps the most beautiful little she-betta I have ever laid eyes on! Her scales literally sparkled!In keeping with the theme of dragon names (because Bettas are truly the dragons of the fish world), I named her Saphira, for her bright sapphire scales.

Not long after Saphira came into our lives, my SIL asked me if I wouldn't mind taking her Betta, Julio. She is expecting a new baby soon, and the tank upkeep was becoming a little too stressful for her. I was more than happy to take her little fish. Sadly, Julio has suffered from some sever fin and tail rot, and a loss of appetite. Fortunately, I have been treating him with medications, and he is doing much better. He may never again have the same splendid fins he once had, but my hope is that he is just happy and comfortable.We also gave him a new name, as we felt Julio was simply not a fitting name for any fish, LOL. Again, in keeping with the dragons, we named him Kokusho, or the Evening Star (those of you who play Magic: The Gathering may recognize this name). This seemed an appropriate name for an older fish past his prime.

And here is a pic of Kokusho when he was younger and healthier. Such a pretty fish!

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