Friday, February 13, 2009

Tragedy Strikes!!

Welcome to the world of the Siamese Fighting Fish. Free tips about keeping Siamese fighting fish. Lots of Siamese fighting fish news and much much more on Siamese fighting fish, your Home and family pet’s home.

Tragedy Strikes !
What do you do if you find you pet has died?

You may find that somehow or other your fish has not made it! Most of the time you would notice that something is wrong and you can take action. Too much food or a dirty tank could contribute to his death. You may have time, if you notice something wrong early on! Rush down to your pet shop and ask for advice. Remember, Siamese Fighting Fish are a hardy breed. They will survive easier than other breeds!

We had a very unfortunate incident recently when we lost our ‘Samurai’. We went away for a week and the kids were around to look after our pets. The grandchild and his friend somehow managed to knock over ‘Samurai’s tank one day and naturally he landed on the floor. Feeling guilty and not wanting to say anything, as boys would, they then refilled the tank with water straight from the tap and put ‘Samurai’ back in. Then his friend also dropped in some sea shells that he had received from his Mom and Dad while on holiday. Not saying anything to anyone they then left. Needless to say, when we got back we found old ‘Samurai’ floating on top of his tank, lifeless. Well, much sadness, and a lot of moaning. We had to put him to rest. Now, the youngsters were very sheepish and apologetic and were very sad that they had contributed to him dying.

That is the sort of thing that can happen. You have no control over this type of incident. Other things can also happen to you pet. What do you do?

After much talking, we decided to give ‘Samurai’ a decent burial in the backyard with the boys and the rest of the family standing around. We said a few words and then placed ‘Samurai’ in the hole and covered it. We placed a little plastic plaque with his name on beside his grave. Everybody seemed to feel a bit better afterwards.

We then started making plans to replace our Siamese Fighting Fish with a new one. Do not despair if your fish suddenly dies. Sometimes these things do happen. As I have said, you should check on your pet frequently. If you notice something not quite right, seek advice. We decided to go down to the pet store a week later to choose a new ‘Samurai’. If we could get more or less the same color, we will keep the same name. The kids would certainly feel better and so would we, having a new ‘Samurai’. They have learnt a valuable lesson. Always tell someone if you do something wrong. It is better to admit that you have made a mistake and have it fixed up straight away, than not saying anything.

I would suggest that if your pet died, for whatever reasons, hold a small ceremony like we did and give them a good send off. It will make you feel much better and shows respect for your pet.

As luck would have it, we found another Siamese Fighting Fish just about the same color as our original ‘Samurai’. After bringing him home and placing him in his tank, we sat and watched him for hours. I’m sure he is going to be as wonderful as our previous guy.

I have found some articles on the Net that gives you some idea on how to euthanase your pet. Pretty weird stuff, but you may want to check them out. One of the best ways to euthanase him is to use clove oil. That is the one you can buy from pharmacies for toothache. A few drops in his water and he will go to sleep. Not nice to think about, but there may be a time when it would be best to do this. Click on: Article 6 Help you recover.

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