Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Helpful steps to success in keeping a Siamese fighting fish


1 What size tank do I need?

As I’ve said, you do not need a very big tank. Make sure though that it’s large enough for him to swim around in. Check that he does not bump his fins or scales as he is swimming around. Try to put some live plants and some pebbles in, so that your tank looks pleasing. You will be watching him often, so having a nice looking tank will please you as well as make your fish happy. This is your new pet remember!

Plants should be preferably rounded and not sharp, as your fish would like to rest on or in a bunch of plants sometimes. I have found that an ideal sized tank for one male Siamese fighting fish is 10 liters or three gallons. This is, because if you keep him in a smaller sized tank, you would have to change his water more often, sometimes on a daily basis. Keep his tank in a warm room. Recommended steady water temperature is between 24c-30c (75f-85f). Do have a lid on top with air holes! Your fish breathes air, so do not fill his tank to the top! He also jumps, so you do not want your new pet to jump out of his tank as you may lose him if you do not discover him on the floor soon enough.

2 Do you know the best way to transfer your new pet to his new tank?

He has very delicate fins so you have to be very careful. Do not use a net because this could damage his fins. When you bring him home he would probably be in a plastic bag or small bowl. Your new tank at home would have water that you have kept at room temperature for 24 hours. Also, you would have checked the temperature in the tank to make sure it is within the parameters—24c-30c (75f- 85f), added anti chorine as well as recommended gravel and plants, and the PH of between 6.8 &7.4. Now you can slowly release him into his new home. WOW!! Welcome home to your new pet!

3. Now what about his food?

How often do I feed him? Well, he should be fed once a day. He can be fed freeze dried brine shrimp or freeze dried blood worms. He will also eat live brine shrimp which they love the best. You can get special Siamese fighting fish/Betta fish pellets, which are a combination of mashed shrimp meal, fish meal, brine shrimp, bloodworms and various vitamins. Check with your pet store. There are different kinds available. Remember, do not overfeed your fish!!

4. You want to know, “How do I go about cleaning his tank?”

The children don’t know how to do this properly. Well, this is where you come in! It will be fun and educational for them as well as yourself. The kids will love to learn how to do it. It also teaches them responsibility and creates a sense of interest and achievement in being able to care for their new pet. Remember to clean your fish tank regularly!! Scoop out excess debris such as uneaten food etc. Have a bowl of water put aside a day prior to cleaning, remembering to condition the water. Remove him with some of his existing water and place him in the temporary container while you clean out his tank. Do not use soap or any detergents, just wipe down the sides with warm water and shake the gravel up to get any bacteria or residue out. Then you can slide him back into his nice clean tank.

5. Can I put other fish in his tank with him?

Big problem!! They are not called Siamese fighting fish for nothing! They will fight with another male often causing the death of one of them. Females can be put together, but you have to put three or more otherwise one of them will bully the other one all of the time. Breeding time will be the only time when males and females can be put together. More about this later. Algae eaters or Corydoras catfish are a good mix. They will also help to keep his tank clean.
Click on the link for more help.

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