Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Siamese fighting fish/ Betta fish e-book review (3)

Welcome to the world of the Siamese Fighting Fish. Free tips about keeping Siamese fighting fish. Lots of Siamese fighting fish news and much much more on Siamese fighting fish, your Home and family pet’s home.

Many people give up on the hobby of keeping Siamese fighting fish/betta fish and sometimes fish in general.
This is because there always seems that something is wrong with your Siamese fighting fish/ betta fish!

It seems it’s just one thing after another. It goes from being a fun hobby to a big headache having to deal with one health issue after another.

Well, in this e-book the author provides you with a complete trouble shooting guide that lists every symptom of illness your betta fish can get.

He then reveals what the possible causes of the symptoms are—and then tells you exactly what to do about them.

This is like having your own fish expert right there at your beck and call.

Two examples to help you in this guide are, if your Siamese fighting fish/betta fish has cloudy eyes, and what to do about fin rot.

There are many more useful tips. Click on ‘FREE BONUSES’ well worth it!

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