Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Fascinating facts about your Siamese fighting fish

Welcome to the world of the Siamese Fighting Fish. Free tips about keeping Siamese fighting fish. Lots of Siamese fighting fish news and much much more on Siamese fighting fish, your Home and family pet’s home.

We often watch our ‘SAMURAI’ after hours or late at night and we noticed that he yawns at night. He opens his mouth and makes the same yawning motions that we do.
Our ‘SAMURAI’ then seems to lounge and then go to sleep. Yes, he goes to sleep.
Do you know that all living animals must sleep to survive! With fish, they tend to float, slow down or hover in one spot and look like they are dead.
Tropical fish, like the Siamese fighting fish, seem to have the same sleep cycle as humans. They sleep at night and move around during the day.

If you have a Siamese fighting fish or Betta fish as they are called in America, then watch carefully at nighttime and you will see them going to sleep, perhaps even a yawn or two beforehand.

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